

  The Phototron is a modular analog visual synthesizer designed for real time performances. As the result of years of experimentation and research on photonic modulators, has been developed using hacked scientific technology as an artistic medium. The synthesizer creates a wide range of imagery through purely electromagnetic manual operated manipulations, without the help of algorithms. With a Fluxus attitude… Read more →

Exhibition Behavioural Machines: Second Brain

Behavioural Machines SPEKTRUM | art science community Berlin The exhibition ‘Behavioural Machines’ explores the way in which mathematical models that describe complex natural phenomena have been used to create new audiovisual works appllied to domains such as light sculpture, robotics and abstract film. Chaos theory, swarm behavior and processes of emerging life in the biological world (morphogenesis) are the three… Read more →

Even a white rose has a black shadow

Even a white rose has a black shadow Light sculpture This ongoing body of work explores the interactions between radiation and matter: whenever an electromagnetic radiation meets matter can occur different interaction phenomena. In particular, I found interesting the phenomena of optical diffusion and the light scattering, a wide class of phenomena in which waves or particles are deflected due… Read more →

The Apophenia Trap

A site-specific installation and an audiovisual performance. An exploration of the so called Apophenial phenomena as a starting point to extend the reflection on the organization and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment around us. The human tendency to seek patterns and connections in random information or meaningless data, could be considered as an… Read more →

Q – Quantum ghosts

A/V Performance: human operated laser rays, crystals and synthetic diamonds, arduino, ableton live. This audiovisual set utilizes crystal filtered laser light that emanates from modified laser projectors producing spectacular reflections that recall the aurora borealis.At the onset the body of light may assume the form of a neuron network or microbiologic visions transforming into supernatural flashes of lighting or deep… Read more →

The 30th Chaos Communication Congress

The 30th Chaos Communication Congress (30C3) is an annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. The Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society. For this special edition of the 30… Read more →

Cloud Nine

  Cloud Nine is a structure designed to generate a sense of wonder at the beauty of light and color. The facility uses a highly engineered hidden, where the technology disappears and gives way to the natural magic of the body and light. A central computer manages a multiprojection video system, spatialized audio and motion sensors, making the experience truly… Read more →